FAFSA 2024的变化


Significant changes are coming to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)为即将到来的2024-2025年做准备. FAFSA简化法案 is a sweeping redesign of the processes and systems used to award federal student aid. Specifically, the law makes it easier for students and families to complete and Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form and expands access to federal student aid.

Important Dates



  • 我还需要填写FAFSA吗?
    It is highly recommended that you fill out the FAFSA form as early as possible. 如果你还没有完成FAFSA,还有很多时间. While this year there have been several challenges and delays with the FAFSA process, 这些变化的好处是显著的. FAFSA的申请现在要短得多了, 并且可以在更短的时间内完成, 更新的资格要求大大扩大了佩尔资格.
  • 我的FAFSA说需要修改. 我如何更正我的FAFSA?
    The Department of Education indicated that required or voluntary corrections to 2024-2025 FAFSA forms in a “Processed” status will be available in the first half of April. 同时,检查一下你的 FAFSA提交摘要 to review your responses and understand any required actions to complete your form. 一旦可用,请登录 Studentaid.gov 来解决你FAFSA上的错误. 如果你不确定如何更正你的FAFSA信息, 请浏览教育部资源网页 如何更正或更新你的FAFSA表格.
  • 我的FAFSA包含错误,需要重新处理, 我什么时候能收到我的助学金信息?
    The Department of Education has indicated that they will begin reprocessing FAFSA files impacted by data errors in the first half of April. Once Maryville receives the updated FAFSA file, we will process your financial aid offer in 3-5 days. 如果需要额外的信息来完成你的经济援助offer, 你将收到来自财政援助的额外信息.


  • 2024-2025年FAFSA现已可用.
    You may 启动你的2024-2025年FAFSA. 学校将在3月中旬开始收到FAFSA的数据.

    完成FAFSA后,您将收到FAFSA已提交的通知. However, your file will not be sent to Maryville University until FAFSA files are sent to schools in March.

  • FAFSA将更短,更方便用户使用.
    FAFSA将把问题的上限从108个减少到46个. Based on information provided, not all students will be required to answer all 46 questions. The streamlined format will simplify the application process for students and their families.
  • The Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) has been replaced by the Student Aid Index (SAI).
    SAI是确定资格的另一种方式. Student Aid Index more accurately describes the number used to determine aid eligibility. 与EFC不同,SAI可以是一个负数,低至-1500.
  • Spouses or Stepparents may need to participate in completing the FAFSA as a Contributor.
    谁是投稿人?Contributor is a new term being introduced on the 2024-2025 FAFSA and refers to anyone who is required to provide federal tax information directly to a student’s FAFSA form (such as a parent/stepparent or spouse), 并在FAFSA表格上签字. A student’s or parent’s answers on the FAFSA will determine which contributors (if any) will be required to provide information. Contributors may include the student, biological or adoptive parent, stepparent, or student’s spouse.

    Contributors will receive an email informing them they’ve been identified as such and will need to log in using their own studentaid.gov 账户(FSA ID). 如果他们还没有, information 将如何提供 create an FSA ID.

    Being identified as a contributor does not mean the contributor is financially responsible for education costs, but it does mean the contributor must provide information on the FAFSA or the application will be considered incomplete and the student will not be eligible for federal student aid.

    A student’s or parent’s spouse information will still be required on the FAFSA form, 即使你父母的配偶没有被确定为供款人.

    Contributors that don’t have a social security number can still create a studentaid.在FAFSA表格上填写他们的部分. 但是,你必须是美国人.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民有资格获得联邦学生援助.

  • FAFSA申请人将被要求使用IRS直接数据交换.
    This information will be used to determine your eligibility for federal student aid. 让这个转移发生, 您和您的投稿人必须在FAFSA表格上提供同意和批准. Previously, users had the option to enter their tax information manually or use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. 从2024-2025年FAFSA开始, all persons on the FAFSA must provide consent for the Department of Education to receive tax information or confirmation of non-filing status directly from the IRS. In a small number of cases, students and families may be required to enter their tax data manually. 但对于大多数情况,数据将自动传输到应用程序中. This change makes it easier to complete the FAFSA and reduces the number of questions required.
  • 在大学里的数字不会被用来计算SAI.
    Previously, the FAFSA calculated the number of household members attending college in the EFC, 按比例分配以确定联邦援助资格. 从2024-2025年FAFSA开始, 该应用程序仍然会询问有多少家庭成员在上大学, 但你的回答不会被计算进SAI. As such, students with siblings in college may see a change in their federal aid eligibility.
  • 家庭农场和小企业必须作为资产申报.
    When required, families must now report the value of their small business or family farm. 家庭农场包括主要居住地的, applicants should determine the total net value of all farm assets and subtract the net value of their principal residence to determine the final value of their farm assets.


  • 如果学生的父母离婚了怎么办? 谁是他们FAFSA的贡献者?
    The parent included on the FAFSA as a contributor must be the parent that provides the greater portion of the student’s financial support, 即使不是与学生主要居住在一起的父母. 如果父母再婚了, 父母的配偶(继父母)的收入也需要提供.
  • 在新的FAFSA下,我有资格获得联邦资助吗?
    一些本科生将自动获得佩尔助学金. Families making less than 175% and single parents making less than 225% of the 联邦贫困水平 会看到他们的学生获得最高的联邦佩尔助学金吗. Minimum Pell grants will be guaranteed to undergraduate students from households below the 275%, 325%, 是贫困线的350%或400%, 取决于家庭结构. Pell awards between the maximum and minimum amounts will be determined by the Student Aid Index (SAI).
  • 不完整的FAFSA会被删除吗?
    不完整的FAFSA将在45天后被删除. A FAFSA cannot be considered submitted until all required contributors have completed, signed, 并提交了各自的部分.
  • FAFSA没有改变的是什么?
    While many things have changed with the 2024-2025 FAFSA, several aid related matters will not change.

    • 提供给学生的援助的一般类型 联邦学生贷款限额 will not change.
    • The FAFSA will still be required each year for consideration of federal and state financial aid.
    • 依赖状态问题 决定你的父母是否必须填写FAFSA的规定将保持不变.
    • FAFSA仍将要求前一个纳税年度的税务信息, which means you will report 2022 income and assets on your 2024-2025 FAFSA applications.

如果你认为你的FAFSA没有反映你目前的情况, 您可以通过电子邮件请求审查 ssc@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com and requesting a Special Circumstances review to determine if any adjustments can be made to your financial aid eligibility. 特殊情况审查可能需要证明文件.

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